Zero-Proof Summer Cocktails
Zero-Proof Summer Cocktails Sophisticated mocktails are the perfect vehicle for cannabis Peruse the cocktail lists at enlightened bars across...
Unsung Cannabinoids Explained: CBGa
Unsung Cannabinoids Explained: CBGa What is CBGa? Cannabigerolic acid (CBGa) follows tetrahydrocannabinolic acid (THCa) and cannabidiolic acid...
A chef kicks Crohn’s disease and launches an ice cream disruption
Cloud Formation A chef kicks Crohn’s disease and launches an ice cream disruption Chef life is brutal. Nurturing the passion to cook good food...
Decarbing Cannabis: New School vs Old
Decarbing: New School vs Old Before cannabis can be used in a recipe, it must be activated—or decarboxylated—to maximize its benefits....
Red Belly Honey and Bee Balm
Red Belly Honey Honey and Hemp Bee Balm Why These Two Products Are Truly Revolutionary Bees are incredible. They make honey, naturally rich in...
Visit with Wisconsin Hemp Farmers Association President Phil Scott
Helping Hemp Farming and fighting for hemp in Wisconsin. If you live in Wisconsin and work with hemp, you probably know Phillip Scott. As head of...
Kitchen Toke Coloring Book
Color and Chill Relax with One of Our Favorite CBD Brands as You Color One of Our Favorite Kitchen Toke Covers Download the cover, color...
Kitchen Toke Infused Dinner 01 – Jim Belushi
Cannabis, According to Jim Over an infused meal, the comic actor talks with Kitchen Toke about weed, wisdom and what comes next Push aside the...
Culinary Schooled
Culinary Schooled “Bong Appétit’s” former cannabis specialist makes the case for playing it straight I learned a lot making the first cannabis...
The War on PTSD
The War on PTSD The research on cannabis is inching along, but some veterans aren’t waiting Sarah Stenuf isn’t waiting for the scientists—let...
Keep the runner’s high going with cannabis
Runner's High How to keep it going with cannabis Exercise is good for us. That doesn’t necessarily mean we feel good when we do it. But there...
Nut butter is a great way to deliver CBD and THC to the body
Nut Butters Time to spread out Nut butters are an easy way to deliver CBD or THC. Toast nuts to bring out the oils and deeper flavors,...
Anatomy of a Cannabis Plant
Anatomy of a Cannabis Plant Know Your Plant Parts You can be an avid cannabis consumer and still be clueless about what the living plant...
CBD Infused, Dehydrated Snacks
Dry and Mighty Infused, dehydrated fruit snacks stretch summer year-round At the gym, at work and in transit, people see Jordan Wagman...
Pro Athletes Use Cannabis to Manage Pain
Get Ripped Professional athletes go for greener methods of pain management. Turning to cannabis for pain relief seems obvious for...
Caffeine and Cannabis Have More in Common than You Think
Coffee and Cannabis – The Ties That Bind The heady buzzes of caffeine and cannabis have more in common than you think Confusing...
What We Know about Eating Raw Cannabis
The Raw Deal What’s unknown about the unprocessed plant (probably) can’t hurt you. Research raw cannabis and you’ll turn up plenty of...
Scientists Investigate Genetic Makeup of Cannabis for Ailments
The Devil is in the Details Scientists are zeroing in on the genetic makeup of cannabis to target specific ailments By Ben Parker Karris As magical...
The State of the Union
Fox says the increasing support for legalization will eventually force politicians to fall in line. “The winds are changing on this issue....
CBD Water Trends Put To The Test
Water, Water Everywhere CBD-spiked H2O may quench thirst but not do much else By Novid Parsi Water bottlers are getting thirsty. As soda...
Cannabis Cooking Shows Emerging
Big Time on the Small Screen As cannabis cooking shows emerge, which genre will reign supreme? Two chefs duke it out in a cooking competition, each...
Is That Weed Flavored Beer?
Is That Weed in the Beer? Why your next brew might be flavored with pot By Lester Black Smelling weed in San Francisco isn’t unusual, but this...
Ultrasonic Emulsification or Sonification Technology for Cannabis Edibles
Kick Bad Highs to the Curb An established technology is removing the taste of cannabis from edibles while fixing consistency and dosing...
Terpenes in Food and Cannabis
Scent of a Terpene Smell your way to wellness Just as you become familiar with weed vernacular, another term starts changing the conversation....
Kombucha and Cannabis Healthy Pairing
Brew Bros Kombucha and cannabis pair up for the healthy set If kombucha is good for the gut, imagine its nutritional value boosted with weed. The...
What seniors need to know about medical cannabis
Does Granny Need a Shove? What seniors need to know to get off the fence about medical cannabis Wouldn’t it be the ultimate if you could infuse...
Cannabis Promotes Brain Health, Alleviates Pain
Cannabis Feeds the Brain to Alleviate Pain Some shoppers purchase green beans by scrutinizing each one. Others examine a carton of...
Lab Testing Cannabis Edibles
Testing the Limits Independent lab testing for edibles should be a thing, right? It's almost become a rite of passage. Two friends try the same...
Industry Leader Predictions about the Future of Cannabis
The Future is Now Industry leader insights for 2019 By Alex Pasquariello At the advent of 2019, cannabis is on a hot streak and all signs indicate...
Cannabis Cooking Class Can Be a Life-changing Challenge
A is for effort Finding a class on cooking with cannabis can be a challenge, but also life-changing By Lee V. Gaines Kristina’s first brush...